
quail | she/her | 30+
incest liker, fuckin sue me
slinger of porn words, enthusiast of old men and complete and utter unrepentant villainfucker❤︎ monsters aliens & robots, fluff, kink, taking too many screenshots in FFXIV, Garleans, massive noses, old dudes, Too Many Podcasts🞮 antis, clusters of small holes, needleswrites on ao3 as Salamander


Screenshot Threads


Fandoms & Ships

  • FFXIV - Basch/Sartauvoir, Lyon/Menenius, Quintus/Jullus, Gaius/Estinien, Cid/Nero, Maxima/Alphinaud

  • Devil May Cry - Nero/Credo, Dante/Vergil

  • FFXII - Ondore/Reddas, Ghis/Bergan, Larsa/Noah/Vayne Basch/Noah, Vayne/Dr Cid, Ashe/Basch/Balthier, Ashe/Basch/Vossler, Balther/Al-Cid, Balthier/Ashe/Al-Cid

  • Resident Evil - Chris/Wesker, Leon/Krauser, Parker/Raymond

  • The Magnus Archives - Peter/Elias, Jon/Elias, Jon/Gerry, Mike/Martin

  • FFVII - Cid/Vincent, Cloud/Sephiroth, All Turks All the Time

  • FFX - Auron/Jecht/Braska

  • Metal Gear Solid - Big Boss/Ocelot, Snake/Otacon, Kazuhira/Big Boss

  • Discworld - Vimes/Vetinari

  • Detroit: Become Human - Hank/Connor